Walk like a Champion: A Solo Exhibition by Abe Odedina

28 October - 25 November 2023

"Walk Like a Champion is a homegoing presentation about being true to yourself, gathering the people you care for, and emphasising the ideas you triumph. It is a thank you, a love letter, a celebration. This exhibition is in honour of Otunba Rosalind Morolayo Odedina. "


O’DA Art is pleased to present, Walk like a Champion, Abe Odedina’s first solo exhibition in Lagos, Nigeria. 

This new body of work is a testament to this special gathering and the thrilling opportunity to finally exhibit in Nigeria again and most importantly, to make a show for his Mother ahead of the centenary of her birth. Its title, that Odedina attests, ‘is not about swagger. It’s not about strutting around. It’s about what you think a champion is? It’s about being undeniably true to yourself. When we say “walk”, it’s in a more important sense than one foot in front of the other. It’s how you go through life. It’s the Big Walk.’

Odedina is the fourth born in his family. For a significant period of time he was the only child at home. Whilst others were away at University or boarding school, he shared time with his Mother. She became his most resonant sounding board, confidante, role model, and friend. Today, he reflects that she is the author of him more than anybody else.

This exhibition exemplifies the artist’s personal philosophies, whilst emphasising what he is eager to communicate – to his Mother, to us, to the world. 

Odedina was given the tools to walk like this from his Mother, who taught him to never be obstinate or inflexible about ideas, that you always have choice, and you have the freedom to explore. Through his practice where he embraces figurative work comfortably with abstract concepts, the artist gifts these tactics to us. 

Walk like a Champion is ultimately about being comfortable with your undeniable, ever changing self. By unapologetically employing acrylic alchemy between different symbols and styles, Odedina births casually fantastic characters that we can see ourselves in.